That’s right! Due to popular demand the D-Day Minus 2 Sale is now the D-Day Plus 30 Sale!! The Sale has been extended to June 30th, Midnight PST!!! That’s right! Come and get ’em!!!
That’s right! Due to popular demand the D-Day Minus 2 Sale is now the D-Day Plus 30 Sale!! The Sale has been extended to June 30th, Midnight PST!!! That’s right! Come and get ’em!!!
To commemorate the upcoming 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings on June 6, 1944, we thought that we’d throw a flash sale at y’all! What’s more, if there’s enough requests, we’ll extend the sale by several days to give people a chance not to miss out!
Just use the coupon code AURORA24 at checkout for a 10% discount off the normal retail price.
Yup!! Long overdue, but here it is, our latest flash sale that last longer than a flash!! Until midnight, June 30 PST, use the code: MADJUNE23 at checkout, and get 10% off your order!! So grab yer helmets and dash for your ships, because this is no drill!
Rising metal prices will soon force us to raise prices by as much as 20%. But for the next 24 hours (more or less) get a 10% discount on all purchases! Order now!
Use the sale code FLASH2022 to get your discount.
At long last we have an actual Totenkopf class battledestroyer miniature available in our online store! Yes. The Beast Itself be here!
It’s been a long road, but here we are at last, starting to arrive at something resembling our long desired and struggled for destination.
…..leave this riiiight heeere….. Mwahahaahahahahaahaaaaa!!
COVID-19 is a righteous pain in the stern vent, but there is substantial progress being made… I am currently bugging our master model maker and resin model producer extraordinaire in real time for an update on our new Fletcher model, all circa 8 inches and separate weapons of her… I’ve seen the prototype taking shape these past several months now, and she will be impressive to say the very least, a proper Destroyer class vessel when seen on the tabletop alongside the fighter minis…
Stay tuned…
Just in time for the Apocalypse! A sale of eschatological proportions!
All purchases over $30.00 receive a discount of $6.66.
Sale ends at midnight on Monday, the 21st!
Coupon code: 666@MX2020
So come and get yer reinforcements before the Brood come and get you!
Special thanks to Callsign: Karpav 1 for his amazing brushwork!
By Sheldon Greaves
Rob’s Tabletop World is a YouTube channel with over 13,400 subscribers where the host, Rob reviews the kinds of old school games we all know and love. Check out his review of Silent Death:
And as if that weren’t enough, he also has some very kind things to say about our prototype Campaign System:
We’d like to offer a huge shout-out to Rob for his kind words, and for telling the rest of the Internet about Silent Death.
“M’lord Grand Admiral, Sir?!”
Yes? What is it now?!”
“This just in from Intel Branch, M’lord! Assets report a heavy freighter, Narwhal class jumped out of the Dallas-Fort Worth system. Analyses of their vector places the ship on a direct course for our system, with an ETA of about 36 hours! Assets also reported that a short transmission was made in the clear just before the ship entered hyperspace. The transcript provided by Intel says that the message was ‘As three is to one.’ Intel chief told me that you would understand it’s meaning… Shall I alert the defense grid?”
“Yes! Make sure that our fighter patrols are doubled, and that they know not to open fire on this ship, but to assume a prompt close escort around it and bring it here directly!”
“You heard me! Now get moving, Leftenant! Get those instructions out by a secure channel, and fast so some trigger-happy glory-seeker doesn’t blast that ship into isotopes! We need what it is carrying, and we need it yesterday! Now MOVE!”
“Aye-aye, Sir!”